Did something happen to the community on Dream Width? I have been trying to read it, but it no longer works, even on different browsers, after I've cleared my cache and cookies....is anyone else having issues?
I live in the Philippines, so BSC books are hard to come by. My only source for them right now is my school library. Because of that, I can only have a book for a week, which is not a good thing when it comes to snarking. Does anyone have an e-book or a PDF you could send me?
As per the1812overture 's request, I'm doing a quick post of the Sims BSC I've been working on! I have two games going, one with the BSC as young adults and one with them as teens. I haven't done much with the teen town yet (just kill Dawn) because teens can't really do much in the games. If anyone is interested in my continuing Sims adverntures (and it's okay
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If you didn't see this already, the podcast Worst Best Sellers did an episode on the BSC recently! They covered three books: Keep Out Claudia, Babysitter's Island Adventure, and California Diaries Ducky
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